------------------------------------------------------------------------ VCPU test codes - Changelog ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2024.Mar.26. - 1.2.3 All tests: print test name on start/end ("assp.sh" generate/delete symbol include automatically) "a-detect" print device configuration "m-loadtst1b", "n-loadtst2b", "v-loadtstfs", "q-benchmark": Change testfile "tstdat2m.seq" (2 megabytes) to "tstdat1m.seq" (1 megabytes), enough for this tests "r-lstresstst" not get drive status on exit "s-40trktst" add exit results validation 2024.Jan.21. - 1.2.2 "t-srfs" fast-serial (C128) test added (New!) "u-recvtimefs" fast-serial (C128) test added (New!) "v-loadtstfs" fast-serial (C128) test added (New!) "p-autoswap" add image number check+print, add invalid swapfile line check, add no swapfile check "s-40trktst" add image number check 2023.Dec.15. - 1.2.1 "q-benchmark" expanded to measure one SEEK time to end of 2M file "y-linediag" expanded to handle SRQ, if available "b-showmem" expanded to read drive mem -> host mem function, modified layout / VIC20 for readable output Added STatus clear to drive memory read function "a-detect" VIC20: added extra "PRESS SPACE" for readable output "h-recvtime1b" VIC20: transfer 112 BYTEs 2023.Oct.10. - 1.2.0 "vcpumacros-asl.asm" modified (added VCPU R2, if required) "vcpumacros-acme.asm" modified (added VCPU R2, if required) "s-40trktst": 40 track .d64 image block R/W test added (New!) "r-lstresstst": waits for button released on exit "commerrchannel"/"sd2i_recvanswer" corrected "getvcpustatus" expanded to VCPU R2 extras, print SR in binary, modified register printing "checkvcpusupport" expanded to save VCPU parameters for later use "c-printio" expanded to handle IO size dynamically "y-linediag" actualized "z-vcpuctst" added test #26 (VCPU R2 extras, SKIP on R1) New "autoswap.lst" file for test images All tests: compiled drivecodes renamed from .prg to .bin (these binaries not regular CBM prg-s) All tests: replace "=" with "==" in IF statements (cosmetic change) ---------- 2023.Jun.10. - 1.1.1 "vcpumacros-asl.asm" modified (missing I/O change: memiosize, unitno) "vcpumacros-acme.asm" added All test: BASIC list linking corrected "b-showmem": VCPU status print added "e-sr1b-pio", "i-sr2b-pio": VIC20 print modified "r-lstresstst": Lines Stress test added (New!) "z-vcpuctst": Test #25 added (memory & I/O boundary check) 2023.Mar.20. - 1.1.0 BTASC VCPU command deprecated "vcpumacros-asl.asm" modified (remove BTASC, add converter peripheral) "o-diskimgs", "p-autoswap", "z-vcputst" modified "checkvcpusupport" extended (bus type, I/O size) Put ID string to all executable Main makefile modified: stop on sub-make error ---------- 2021.Nov.20. - 1.0.2 "q-benchmark" modified 2021.Nov.20. - 1.0.1 "vcpumacros.asl", "q-benchmark" modified 2021.Oct.11. - 1.0 Initial release ------------------------------------------------------------------------